Freedom Hill Solutions

Friday, July 13, 2018

Sibling Crossword Display

This week as I was browsing through Pinterest, I came across a few word displays made with Scrabble pieces and I thought they were very cute. I saw one naming siblings that particularly caught my eye, so I thought I'd do my own version.

I don't know why I never thought of this before, but perhaps raising 8 kids is enough to do. Now that they are grown - my youngest is 20 - I have more time to make things like this.
And, after all, they are still my kids, even though they are grown and some are married with kids of their own. Nothing will ever change the fact that they are siblings and I wanted to celebrate that.

I started with a piece of leftover tile from our daughter's recently remodeled bathroom:

Even though we did most of her bathroom last fall, my Canadian just this week had the opportunity to finish the floor. I think it looks great and a few pieces of tile were left over. I actually retrieved my piece from the garbage!

I used letter tiles from a game I have two of, Syzygy. We rarely play the game and prefer Scrabble, so I didn't mind using letters from one of the games. 
I did have to borrow some Ms from the second game.

I worked the letters on plain paper for a while until I got the best layout:

Once I had the best layout, I used washi-tape to tape the letters together on the back, making it easier to move around as "one" piece. 

Then I glued the taped-together framework to the tile using a liquid glue.

I added a few paper embellishments using patterned paper, giving it balance and a pop of color.

I also added "Johnson Siblings" in the biggest empty corner to define who the names represent.

I put the number 8 in the other corner for obvious reasons!

I love how it turned out and know it will be a keepsake for years to come!

My kids are everything to me.

Happy crafting!



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