Freedom Hill Solutions

Saturday, July 14, 2012

An Afternoon with My Cricut!

What a fun time I had today with my Cricut, My Close To My Heart Art Philosophy Cricut cartridge and a few paper clips!

 Using a variety of different card stock colors, I cut summery shapes of flowers, butterflies, dragonflies and birds and mounted each one to the lights with a paper clip!  Fun, easy and inexpensive!  Close To My heart's great card stock is perfect for the Cricut!

The Cricut's easy auto-fill option really helped on this project. I just pressed the auto-fill option and it automatically filled my 12 x 12 card stock with the right-sized images!

I know the lights are a little bright in these pics, but I hope you can see the effect of "summer" flitting around in my breezeway!  Happy Summer!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Creative Studio

I've never shared pictures of my creative studio so I decided it was about time I did!  I think it's messy, but I like it that way.  I know where everything is!  Enjoy and thanks for looking!
This is an overview from the entry door.

My Cricut desk.

My main desk/work area....with a project in progress!

The wall above my main desk.  I display pictures and special momentos. The large poster-like pic is a foam- mounted picture of the front of an article I wrote for a publishing house when my son was deployed to Iraq.  They used it to advertise at a book sale. It was pretty cool!  The framed poem to its left is titled, "My Hero, My Son" and I wrote it when my son came home from the war the first time.

I'm partially scrapping out of suitcases as I've not had time to fully unpack from the last crop I attended! Ah, well, what can I say???

I hope you've enjoyed this little picture view of my creative space.  Thanks for looking!


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